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Best Time Management Apps

Does that same happen to you!?.. That you have a lot to do in a day, but at the end you don't get satisfaction because some of your tasks remain leave behind..

Well, the same was happening with me and reasons were my Procrastination and bad time management. Your reasons were probably the same. 
Let's get up and start working on it because you won't have any idea how much these things are effecting your productivity. Time Management strategy helps you to priortize your work and achieve your goals faster. Thus time should be your strength not weakness. Every successful person follow the same strategy, they eternally know what and when to do... That's why even as a last resort they always get the most out of something..

                Source: Vantage Circle

Now there might be a question in your mind, that I already knew these things. HOW SHOULD I EXACTLY GET TO KNOW " HOW TO WORK ON THIS TIME MANAGEMENT STRATEGY?"..

So, the answer is right under there...

You have to maintain your To-do list & Follow it consistently...
Well, let's first thanks to technology which makes our work easier. Thanks to instant messages , emails , calls and remainders to remind our work at the right time. Because technology have solutions for our this problem also...
There are some astounding applications available on playstore which you can use to manage your time.. There you can plan your daily activities and set remainders . Moreover it's so easy to update your schedule there...
Let's start discussing about these applications :

Best time management apps-

1. Ike - To-Do List, Task List :
✓This application is based on Eisenhower Method . It helps to priortize your work in two ways - URGENCY/IMPORTANCY..
                          Source: luxafur
URGENCY/IMPORTANCY quadrant basically helps you to priortize your work properly. Like, which work is urgent or which one is important?...
According to above matrix, you can analyze your work in following four ways..
i.) Urgent/important- Immediate work
ii.) Not urgent/important- Work you don't want to do in a last rush time..
iii.) Urgent/Not important- Work that is urgent but not important. Here you can delegate.
iv.) Not urgent/Not important- It can be something that neither urgent nor important. 
Click to install - Playstore

2 . Todoist :
This one will help you to organize or collaborate your work or projects. It'll also help you to stay organized. It is accessible at all devices.
                  Source : Android Apps
 Click to install - Playstore

3. TickTick : 
✓This one is also use to organize your to-dos and meetings with its intuitive designs and  personalized features. It is so easy to use or manage . You can stay organized with this app. You just need to add your tasks and set remainders there.
                 Source: Android Apps
Click to install - Playstore

4 . Stay focused :
✓Be focused on your work , don't try to be multitasker!
Use this application to avoid distraction. With the help of it , you can block those apps/websites which prevent you to achieve your goal for the particular time period.
                Source: Android Apps
Click to install- Playstore

Conclusion- Here I discussed about time management strategy and four Best time management apps. Choose one of them and stay consistent to your work...

Hope it'll be help you..
Thank you for reading...


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